Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Got a Scolding

Melissa scolded me today at being lax at blogging. Seems like I have been getting more and more behind on reading and posting. I'll admit, I have been bad about it. I guess I've spent too much time on Facebook connecting with people I haven't seen for a long time.

Anyway, the highlight of my winter has been the snowshoe trips we've taken. I blogged about our first trip already. The very next Saturday we took Ronda and Melissa to the same place and had a great time. I enjoyed it just as much the second time and I think that Ronda and Melissa had fun as well.

Last Saturday Greg and I went to Teton Park. We drove all the way up to Colter Bay to snowshoe along the lake. It is not an area that very many people use. You can see from the tracks that not many have been here. It's so interesting to me that we have this treasure so close and not many ever see it. We only saw four people on our three hour trek.

We made it to Heron Pond. Of course, all the lakes are frozen over now.

You would think that being out in the high country in January would be cold, but I always get too hot. Snowshoeing is hard work, plus I have some pretty warm gear. Look at Greg.....he doesn't look cold, does he? Just a fleece jacket that is unzipped to let him cool down.

After we finished on the shoeshoes we drove around to the main area that people enjoy in Teton Park in the winter to take some photos. It was gorgeous. Who would have thought that I would love the outdoors so much at this age. We didn't get out nearly enough when the kids were growing up, but now that we have the freedom to do more things, it is the activity that we nearly always choose. God certainly created a beautiful world for us to enjoy.

Of course spending time with my grandkids is always the highlight of my life and I've had a lot of time with each of them lately. That will have to be the subject of my next post!!


Terri French said...

I'm glad Melissa scolded you! I love all of your pictures. I hope that someday I can get out more. . . although it will probably be when I am your age because I now understand how busy little kids are. Good thing I love them so much!

Heather said...

My mom isn't crazy. . I am the one that made that comment. She used my computer earlier in the day and was signed into my blog, and I didn't realize it. Just thought I would let you all know!

Deborah Raymond said...

The pictures were beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing. And for Heather... that time and season thing comes into play right now with the dynamics of your life. You are also an inspiration to me! What a great mom! Both of you!

Melissa French said...

I'm glad you got on it mom :) I want to go where you guys went last Saturday it looks so pretty! next time you go I'm there!!!

Amber said...

I love the pictures too. You have some great leading lines in some of them (see I remebered something from that class we went to!). I really want to do that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri,
Your pictures are beautiful as is your family. It was fun to see your family photo. You have grown in numbers since I last talked to you. Everyone looks great! Someday we'll visit beautiful Idaho Falls again.
Love ya, Janet Bushman