Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wild Winter Days

We've been getting snow like crazy. On Tuesday night we got 9 inches and there are a couple more inches of new snow this morning. I know we are in the middle of a drought, so I guess I better not complain. But, it does make life more difficult. Greg loves it. I think he loves to use his snowblower almost more than anything. I think he is crazy, but it is nice for me because I don't have to do the snow very often. I did have to clear out the 9 inches yesterday morning.

Amber sent me a link to It's a website where you can sign up to read the Book of Mormon in 97 days in honor of President Hinckley's 97 years of life. I decided to join in. Hope you will consider it, too!! It's a nice reminder of the blessings that came to us as we accepted his challenge a few years ago to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year.

I've also been taking some birthday photos for Harlee and Jaden. Harlee's birthday is this Sunday, so I will post a few of her birthday portraits today. I'll save Jaden's until his birthday comes in a couple of weeks. I've got more of Harlee to work on...... What fun for me!! She is such a joy to us.

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